Kaight NYC blog debut

Sure it's New York Fashion Week, but frankly there are really only a few reliable sources when it comes to following the latest meaningful trends and innovations in eco fashion. Kate at Kaight NYC has just started a new blog that covers really useful leads on stellar eco fashion designers, green style tips, retail announcements, cool chic events ~ essentially an experienced gal's filter on the greenwashing garble.

Kaight's new blog will offer a featured daily "lust" item, which will be 15% off that day, and can be purchased directly from Kaight's online store with the coupon code "lust". Kaight is also developing "Project Greenway" where they "green" one of their favorite runway looks. Sounds totally fun!
Check out www.kaightnyc.blogspot.com, particularly if fashion week has you wondering what the landscape of change really looks like.