Slow Design Repair Dialogues

Slow Repair Dialogues
Amsterdam (NL) > Spring/Summer 2009
slowLab has developed a new series of Slow Dialogues to expand the parameters of Platform21's 'Repairing' exhibition currently on view in Amsterdam (NL). These are small-scale public conversations about how Slow Design can help re-imagine consumption behaviors, human relationships and ways of collaborating, all with a view to systems-level 'reparations' for transitioning to a more sustainable future. Local slow creative activists will present their work and ideas to stimulate the discussions, and everyone is encouraged to join the debate. In addition to these events, an evolving installation within the Platform21 space will capture Slow Repair ideas, questions, quotations and comments from the public. For those of you not in Amsterdam, we've dedicated our Slow Dialogue blog to the topic for the duration of the project.

There will be four evening events throughout Spring/Summer 2009, each with featured Slow creative activists to open debate with other participants. Schedule and topics are as follows:
Friday 22 May: SLOW CONSUMPTION > Re-imagining Material Interactions
Friday 26 June: SLOW TRANSITIONS > Rethinking Systems
Friday 21 August: SLOW COMMUNITIES > Renewing Social Relationships
Slow Repair Dialogues happen on-site at Platform21/Amsterdam on Friday evenings from 18.30 to 20.30.
