Dispatch from High Above Sofia

I am currently settling into life here in Sofia, Bulgaria for the summer. Sweet sunshine, organic foods, and crisp mountain views abound. The family made an excursion to the peaks outside of Sofia yesterday, and in less than half an hour we were perched high above the city, soaking up pristine forests carpeted with moss and floral ground cover. The late afternoon light streaming through the birch trees was exquisite, and the threaded bird songs rivaled the textured polyphony of the famed Bulgarian Voices.

I will be hunting for interesting examples of traditional folk costumes, lacework, and embroidery all summer. Nature hikes, organic Bulgarian rose oil, and savory local meals are sure to create a potpourri of raw beauty that will be transformative. True fashion takes many shapes and forms, and sustainable style obviously has deep roots in some pretty spectacular far off lands.
Thank you so very much for sharing your sewing travel vignette on ecco*eco. What a beautiful scene you describe. Travel is so valuable for this sort of enrichment. Really really special, your story.
It's a treat to be here. We will share photos with your during the course of the summer. Very magical and peaceful here - even on the outskirts of the city where we are situated.
My best!