Marianne Kemp's Horse Hair Weaving

I was really floored recently when dear friend Annouk Post of Hiphonest turned me on to the amazing textile work of Dutch artist and designer Marianne Kemp. Looking beyond the texture and strands of fiber is inherent to Marianne's exquisitely crafted work. Why? Because she uses delicate and gossamer strands of Mongolian horse hair to create sculptural, wall, and interior installations. Kemp's portfolio site, Horse Hair Weaving, provides an alluring glimpse into an environmentally-charged world inhabitated by forms such as 'crawling hedgehogs, golden ringlets, gods, and caterpillars'.
Marianne Kemp's work will be on view in 'Beauty Can Save The World' at thekey, the sustainable design fashion showcase at Berlin Fashion Week.

* above images courtesy of Marianne Kemp