Vilte's Lithuanian Felt Magic

I am so thrilled to have recently made contact with Vilte Kazlauskaite, a super talented eco fashion-forward felter from Lithuania. Her one-of-a-kind felted wool, silk, flax and other natural material creations are totally handmade and part of a long tradition of fiber art in her exotic homeland.
Vilte states, "I started my journey into magical world of felt about three years ago. I was a psychologist and dance therapist before then. Felting became an important part of my life. I got so into it that I also published a book, Veltinis ("Felt") about the unique felting technique in Lithuania, the first book of its kind covering this form of textile art."
I love the spirit of Vilte's designs and the sustainable alchemy that she so effortlessly conjures. Her entire collection is an inspiring example of the future of contemporary fashion being rooted in indigenous methods and earth friendly goodness.

* above images courtesy of Vilte Kazlauskaite
* visit Vilte's blog and 'felt magic' etsy shop