The Fashion Forecast in Stockholm

Stockholm Fashion Week begins today and runs through August 16th. For those of us keen on decoding the trends and viable threads of sustainable fashion, there will be a Fashion Forecast Seminar on August 12th as part of the week's line up. Respected speakers on the topic of sustainable fashion will come together at The Fashion Forecast at Stockholm Modecenter for a trend forecasting round table discussion.
Invited speakers include:
Xénia Nedelcoux - 'Ethos Paris gives us their story of putting sustainability into fashion production'
Henrik Mattsson - 'Leading futurologist gives us a snap shot of consumer’s hearts and minds when it comes to sustainable fashion'
Maya Saksi - 'Former Editor-in-Chief for the fashion trade magazine Habit gives us her view on this developing market and its opportunities'
Michael Schragger - 'From The Sustainable Fashion Academy tells us why we should bother'
Daniel Sarabia - 'Owner of the agency Sarabia tells us his sustainable success story'
Nanna Åkerlund- 'from Lodestar talks about brand values and how to please the Swedish conscious consumer'
For more details regarding TFF, visit their website.