Ariel Clay: The Fresh Face of Eco Style

I have to admit, I am definitely not one for beauty competitions or contests that rank fellow sustainalistas, but I have to speak up about Ariel Clay and her decision to compete in the upcoming Project Green Search competition.

I love and admire all that Ariel stands for when it comes to redefining our ideas about beauty and personal style. Her physical grace and wholesome look is as alluring as her mission to do good and live a holistic, creatively-infused life. Granted I am rather partial to Ariel's being from San Francisco, one of my absolute favorite towns, but it is Ariel's history of modeling for eco-conscious labels and outspoken causes, that really makes her a standout and perhaps sets her apart from the modeling wanna-be pack.

In addition to being gorgeous and discerningly smart, Ariel is passionate about Fair Trade and innovative development projects for craft production and trade. She currently works with green-minded companies and organizations in the Bay Area and also volunteers (sweating and weeding a lot) with the Golden Gate Parks Conservancy. An avid yoga practicioner, who has appeared on the pages of Yoga Journal, Ariel is also a big supporter of the arts as well as one of my favorite organizations, The Permacouture Institute.

I will be following Ariel's progress over the next few weeks and months, but if you want to learn more about her commitment to the future of true green style and environmentally-conscious outreach, read her profile here and visit her website here. You can also meet Ariel via her lovely video below. Just be your true self, Ariel, and you will be totally brilliant, on stage and off.
Ariel Clay: Project Green Search from justin wiener on Vimeo.
Cheers all the best,Jacqueline
Yes, feel free to (re)blog a few posts with a link to the source. looks great! I will add your blog to my links list.
Best wishes ~ A