Sara Hubbs Opens Partner Play
The 4 M's: Material, Movement, Metaphor, Memory (2009) by Sara Hubbs
More fab art news from 'deconstructed heels' sculptor, Sara Hubbs.
Remembering Cholas & Chollas (2009) by Sara Hubbs; discarded shoe straps, synthetic hair, and adhesive (27” x 12” x 4 ½”)
This rockin' art fashion innovator will host Partner Play at Callalilai in Brooklyn on Thursday, November 5. Stop by to see Sara's amazing work as well as savor some groovy refreshments and music by DJ Tabu.
296 Atlantic Ave @ Smith Street
Brooklyn (Boerum Hill)
t. 718.875.1790
More fab art news from 'deconstructed heels' sculptor, Sara Hubbs.
Remembering Cholas & Chollas (2009) by Sara Hubbs; discarded shoe straps, synthetic hair, and adhesive (27” x 12” x 4 ½”)
This rockin' art fashion innovator will host Partner Play at Callalilai in Brooklyn on Thursday, November 5. Stop by to see Sara's amazing work as well as savor some groovy refreshments and music by DJ Tabu.
296 Atlantic Ave @ Smith Street
Brooklyn (Boerum Hill)
t. 718.875.1790