Eko-Lab: Living Life in True Color

I had a lovely visit with Melissa and Xing-Zhen of Eko-Lab yesterday at their Lower East Side studio and design shop.

We chatted about details for the installation of their art/fashion project for (Re)Fashioning Fiber opening Thursday, May 20th at Green Spaces NY in Tribeca.

In addition to the textural delights of their hand-crafted accessories and latest sustainable fashion designs, we also sipped aromatic tea, ate delicious Chinese yams, and mused on the the organic realm and spun web structures.

All I can say is that my senses were tingling in a way that they never do when I visit a traditional fashion venue.
Do not miss Eko-Lab's participation in the upcoming 'Sustainable Exchange Workshops With Local Eco-Designers', May 6-9 in NYC. Eko-Lab will offer beginner crochet demonstrations in conjunction with the natural dye workshop on May 6.