Old News is Good News For These Do-Gooders
Samantha Pleet pleated newspaper dress (photo: Abigail Doan)
Samantha Pleet pleated newspaper dress (photo: Abigail Doan)
Gorgeously green Renee Loux introduces the Do-Gooder Design Challenge participants (photo: Abigail Doan)
Lara Miller tea-dyed newspaper couture (photo by Abigail Doan)
Lara Miller tea-dyed newspaper couture (photo by Abigail Doan)
Bahar Shahpar spun newspaper tunic (photo by Abigail Doan)
Renee Loux with Bahar Shahpar (far right) and models (photo by Abigail Doan)
RESTORE Clothing's recycled NY Times couture frock (photo by Abigail Doan)
So exciting to see these one-of-a-kind recycled news creations at the Do-Gooder Design Challenge runway presentation in Chelsea last evening. The invited designers did a fantastic job of crafting some innovative and resourceful designs out of yesterday's news. All of the above pieces will soon be up for auction to benefit the charity of each designer's choice. Visit this link for further details. Extra! Extra! This was some newsworthy eco-fashion, for sure.