Garden Inspired Bangles by Liten Blomma
Jessica Lennertz of Liten Blomma has a heart of gold and a designer's story that stems from sweet green fields and delicate rows of organically-tilled wildflowers. Her handcrafted jewelry collection, Liten Blomma ("tiny flowers" in Swedish), preserves light-filled moments of freshly picked flowers or grasses, for adornment on your wrists with these one-of-a-kind bangles.
You can read more about the eco-friendly harvesting of Jessica's materials and her studio process in my article, The Wilder Side of Fashioning Self on EcoSalon. One detail that I really admire is Jessica's decision to use seeded, plantable papers for her business cards and printed goods. ForeverFiances in San Diego creates her custom stationary and cards for mailings to customers and collectors.
*visit Liten Blomma on etsy