Alices in Eco Fashion Land

Eko-Lab and Ekovaruhuset designer, Meiling Chen, checks in to Project Earth Day with designer, Melissa Kirgan

The theme of this year's Project Earth Day show at Nolita's bright white Openhouse Gallery was *through the looking glass*. The show's creative fashion director and stylist, Bahar Shahpar, came up with some stunning algorithms for magnifying the bold new dimensions of sustainable style. Here are a few of my off-the-cuff Leica shots from the night, with more images are viewable here.

Student Competition Design

Student Competition Design

Eko-Lab and Ekovaruhuset designers, Xing-Zhen and Melissa Kirgan

Designer Meiling Chen's amazing coif and attention to details

Professional Designers/Runway Show (Dress by Meiling Chen)

Professional Designers/Runway Show (Dress by Melissa Kirgan)

Professional Designers/Runway Show (Dress by Lara Miller)

Designer and fashion stylist, Bahar Shahpar, with PED founder and organizer, Molly Garretson

Next up: eco art events and my fiber projects this weekend - oh, and some good old fashioned *sunshine* with friends and family, too.


a.m. said…
i love that white dress by meiling chen!!!!!!! where can i get it???

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